Faculty of Plants Protection
Plant protection Faculty was established on the basis of the Agronomy Faculty in 1964. It was composed of the chemistry Faculty, founded in 1930, and botany Faculty, founded in 1948. With the time were established other Facultys: entomology Faculty, headed by known taxonomist Professor A.V. Bogachev; phytopathology Faculty; civil defense Faculty; ecology Faculty, headed by honored worker of science of the Russian Federation N.A. Urazaev.
In different years Faculty was headed by: V.M. Goryainov (1964-1966), E.I. Bourdonov (1966-1968) A.N. Ivanova (1968 - 1977), G.R. Dorozhko (1977-1984 gg.) A.A. Gavrilov (1985-1999), E.A. Andreev (2000-2003), O.G. Shabaldas (2003-2007). Since 2008 till now the Faculty is headed by doctor of agricultural sciences, professor A.N. Esaulko.
- associate professor L.V. Maznitsina (teaching and educational work);
- associate professor Ju.A. Bezgina (scientific work);
- associate professor O.A. Chudnova (international activities);
- associate professor T.G. Zelenskaya (vocational guidance);
- associate professor L.V. Tuturdjans (social work).
The Methodists
- M.V. Kochetova;
- E.N. Kilaberia
1. Plant protection (110203.65). Qualification: an agronomy scientist on plant protection. Specialization: plant quarantine; the biological protection of plants.
2. Nature management (020802.65). Qualification - an ecologist-nature manager. Specialization: environmental expertise.
3. Landscape and landscape construction (250203.65). Qualification - engineer. Specialization: landscape design.
4. Ecology and nature management (022000.62, 020800.62). Degree - bachelor. Profile: Natural Resources Management
5. Ecology and nature management(022000.68). Degree - Master. Program type: Agroecological monitoring.
6. Landscape architecture (250700.62). Degree - bachelor. Profile: Landscape design
An expert in the field of environmental safety.
A Manager in the field of natural management and environmental protection.
An Ecologist in the field of professional activity (agriculture).
Lecturing personnel consists of 32 lecturers. There are 6 ScD and 22 ScC.
There are 407 students at the Faculty: 63 chose specialty “Plant protection”, 51 – “Natural management”, 97 – “Landscape and landscape construction”, 113 – “Ecology and natural management” and 84 – “Landscape architecture”.
There are 3 Facultys in the structure of the Faculty today:
- Phytopathology and entomology Faculty (headed by candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor A. Shutko);
- Chemistry and plant protection Faculty (headed by candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Bezgina Ju.A.)
- Ecology and landscape construction Faculty (headed by doctor of biological Sciences, assistant professor I.O. Lysenko.)
The lecturers are highly qualified, hands-on experienced. The majority are the leading experts in the field of plant protection, environment protection, landscape design. Every year the Faculty`s personnel develop professionally. So, for the past years the lecturers trained in the universities of Sweden, Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany and Belarus. Several Masters from Poland and Kazakhstan were taught at the Faculty. We also afford our students the opportunity to obtain a European education. Our students participate in international programs such as “Erasmus Mundus”, LOGO, APOLLO. It allows to train students theoretically and practically in the leading universities and companies in Europe.
Educational and scientific activity is held in the auditoriums, equipped with multimedia teaching tools and other modern equipment. The special attention during training is drawn to the practice. The Faculty developed and actively operate innovative laboratory of ecological monitoring, landscape design, phyto-sanitary monitoring and REC «BiotechChemVector». The victory of our University in the priority national project «Education» has allowed gaining the unique equipment. It allows to carry out training, researching and testing environmental status, to expertise seeds and to diagnose the diseases of agricultural crops, to assess the sustainability of new domestic and imported varieties of crops to pests and diseases, to develop biotechnology receipt of growth regulators and to test new drugs. Students participate in the development of projects on improvement of ecological conditions in the cities; with the help of modern programs our students create design projects on landscape gardening.
In addition to academic knowledge the students have a great practice in the educational-experimental farm and greenhouse complex of our University. Here students learn how to grow plants, to care for them and have an ability to implement their design projects.
Also practical training undergoes in specialized institutions: the Ministry of natural resources and the environment protection of the region, Teberda`s state natural biosphere reserve, the enterprises of the «Kavkaztransgaz» and «Nevinnomyssky Azot», the Stavropol regional center of emergency environment activities, the Stavropol regional center for Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, Rosprirodnadzor, Stavropol Botanical garden, the Committee of city planning of administration of Stavropol, etc.

At the same time many students receive the second higher education in the field of economic or law. Understanding of market relations and legal system is important for the future leaders of the production.
The Faculty develops student's science. Young scientists make their first steps and carry out scientific research in the fields of ecology, biology and agriculture. As well they attend the Stavropol branch of the Russian entomological society of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of scientific achievements are presented at the University, regional, all-Russian and international conferences, competitions and Olympiads every year.
For the special successes in studying and research activities a lot of students were awarded with special scholarships of the Russian agrarian movement, the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Stavropol territory, the head of the city of Stavropol, the Academic Council of the University, of the Charity Fund of Vladimir Potanin. In 2011-2012 scholarship holders are:
- Kaplenko Catherine - 5 course «landscape construction», holder of the scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation and of the Vladimir Potanin Fund 2012. She is a participant of the international project APOLLO.
- Serbin Maxim - 4 course « Natural resources management», holder of the scholarship of the Governor of Stavropol region and of the Vladimir Potanin Fund 2011, 2012.
- Plaksina Tatiana - 5 course «Plant protection», holder of the scholarship of the company «Syngenta».
- Hlyzova Alina - 5 course «Plant protection», holder of the scholarship of the company «Syngenta».
- Kubatova Daria - 5 course «Plant protection», holder of the scholarship of the company «Syngenta».
- Kim Julia - 5 course «Plant protection», holder of the scholarship of the company «Bayer».
- Blenaov Murat - 5 course «Plant protection», holder of the scholarship of the company «Bayer».
- Bondar Daria - 4 course «Plant protection», holder of the scholarship of the company «Bayer».
- Lyakina Anna - 5 course «Natural resources management», holder of the A.D. Argunov scholarship.
Students of our Faculty actively participate in the cultural life of the University: the festivals «Young talents» and «Student spring», competitions «Mr University» and «Miss University» and many other events. In the Center of aesthetic education the students participate in the show-ballet «Stylish things», in the DJ school, in singing lessons and other. The most famous students are Tatiana Savina, , Naumova Galina, Shalnova Marina, Danko Ekaterina, Antropova Marina, Borodin Semyon, Kononova Anastasia, Ivanova Olesya, Novik Ksenia, Djinkina Maria, Fedotov Semen, Serbin Maxim, Mezentsev Ivan, Sebel Valentine, Samofalova Svetlana, Ozeryanskaya Svetlana, Antonets Oksana, Kartasheva Anastasia, Avershina Anastasia. Creative teams are supervised by post-graduate students Vodorezov A.Ju. and Nebogina Ju.Ju.
In the past year, a student of the 1 course of the Faculty Naumova Galina was awarded with the title «Miss University», and the student of 3 course Serbin Maxim was awarded with the titles «the 1st ViceMister University» and «Mr. Photo».
There are the Masters and the Sub-masters of sports among the students of the Faculty. The sportiest students are Elvira Djanaeva, Viktoriya Nikolaenko, Julia Lidjieva, Daria Kutnyak, Jana Grigorieva, Maria Sheikina, Alexander Katikhin (volleyball), Ruslan Gasayniev (track and field athletics), Tatiana Plaksina (table tennis), Elena Golubovskaya, Elena Em (wrestling), Vyacheslav Levin, Bogdan Matushkin Iliya Matushkin, Ivan Sopelkin (football); Ilya Kazakov (basketball) and others.
The Faculty established students' team “Ozelenitel”, “Masterok”, “Ekolog”.
The Faculty is proud of its graduates: Deputy head of the administration of veterinary and phytosanitary supervision of Stavropol region, candidate of biological Sciences Oskin A.A.; the head of the Pyatigorsk branch of the FSI «all-Russian centre for plant quarantine», honored worker of agriculture, candidate of biological Sciences Levchenko V.L.; Chairman of APC - kolkhoz «Rus» of Sovetskiy district of Stavropol region, honored worker of agriculture Shebalkov V.V., the head of the OJSC “Stavropolsakhar” Churikov A.A., the head of the OJSC “Solnechnoe” of Izobilniy district of Stavropol region Dyadkov V.A. and others.
Esaulko Alexander Nikolaevich
Dean of the Faculties of Agronomy and Plant Protection,
Head of the Department of Agronomic Chemistry and Physiology of Plants
Academic rank: Professor
Academic degree: doctor of agricultural science